Secure Boundary Walling

robber stuckSecure Boundary walls are real barriers, usually high walls or fences, which are designed to physically prevent anyone from climbing over them and gaining access to yourproperty.   A large majority of these boundary fences and walls include some fence topping to prevent any intruder from accessing your property.  These walls usually include some form of injurious topping like razor wire or electric wiring.

We need to carefully assess what type of boundary fence would be best suited to our property.  We have experts who can sit and discuss your requirements and explain all the advantages and disadvantages of the different fencing types.   It will help you to decide which would be best forrobber you. 

If you live in a high crime area, you need to have a more open type of fence so that if someone intrudes they can be seen by neighbours and passers-by.  Even though open fences are not as private as we would like them to be, they have the benefit of allowing people to see if there are any problems.

Boundary fences serve only to keep honest people out, today criminals will do anything to climb over fences, so we should make sure what would be our best option and get a reputable company to design and install our fences as they are more suited to erect fences correctly and to your best advantage.

If your family and property is your number one priority, then contact us today to discuss your requirements and advise and guide you to make the best possible security choice for you and your family.

Please contact us  today for a free quotation or more information.

  4282 Hits

What is Precast Concrete Walling?

Concrete concrete wallingSo what is the point and benefits of precast concrete walls?

1- Quick Curing Time

As the precast concrete fencing is constructed off site, they are cured before they are installed. This allows the fence to be set immediately upon installation, which will keep the fence from developing cracks or water damage if it rains or weather temperatures rise or fall quickly. Poured concrete has to be poured when temperatures are at between 5 and 32 degrees, and allowed to cure for at least a week. This makes it difficult to find the right time to pour the concrete in some locations, and then allow it to cure without damage.

2 - Cleaner Method

Precast concrete fencing is formed in molds made to specifications of the fencing measurements. This is done off site in a factory setting which helps to keep the mess to a minimum as opposed to poured concrete which is mixed on site.

3 - Appearance

Another advantage of precast walling is that it is carefully measured, and each piece made individually to look professional and very uniform in appearance. Another note on appearance, is that you have options as far as textures and colors. It can be textured or painted, allowing you to match the fence to your homes exterior.

4 - Durability

Precast concrete is made in a temperate setting and allowed to properly cure before installation. It is very durable. When poured concrete is set on site, there is the chance that it will not cure properly, thus the possibility of it having issues later on.

5 - Quick Installation

Once the measurements are taken, the forms are poured and cured off site, then they are brought on site to erect the fence. This goes quickly which allows you to get your project done faster.

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5 Advantages Of Steel Security Gates

steel palisade gate

Understanding the benefits of steel security gates will help you decide whether they suit your purpose for your home. 

1.   Security

Using steel security gates is an ideal way to make your home safer and also preventing unwanted people from entering your property.  It is a good way to give you more control as you can operate them from inside your home with the help of a camera and buzzer.  In this way you can decide who to allow to enter your property. 

2.   Parking 

If you make use of steel security gates with access control it will help you to ensure that people do not use your propery as a parking space, which would prevent you from using it, especially if you have a large amount of property.  

3.   Safety

Steel Security Gates

It is even more relevant to have steel security gates if you have a garden, as it will help to create a safer space for children or dogs to prevent them wandering out into the road and being run over or lost.   It will prevent stray animals from entering your property, and also unwelcome intruders.
It has huge safety benefits.

4.   Deterrent

Besides the obvious benefit that steel security gates provide in preventing intruders from gaining access to your home, they will also act as a deterrent. An imposing set of steel gates can be enough to make a criminal think twice about attempting to burgle your home because it will prove too difficult to get in and out.    

5.   Maintenance

Steel security gates are stronger than other types of gate, such as those made of wood, as they will last much longer.

Steel security gates do not require a lot of maintenance, as they can be cleaned of debris and insects with a cloth and any household cleaner.

It is also a good habit to check latches and hinges regularly for any signs of rust.

The security of your home and family is a priority, therefore you should always choose the best method of protecting them.

Please contact Country Wide Waling with any queries or for more information.

  4033 Hits

Which style of fencing best suits my needs?

concrete fencingThe style of fence you choose will depend on the function(s) you want it to perform. So when shopping around ask yourself what is the main thing you’re trying to achieve with your fence and gate? Is privacy a top concern? Do you need high security or just a decorative boundary? If it is decorative then what look are you going for, what architectural style do you need to match your home? Here we’ll take a look at some of these requirements and suitable styles to achieve the right look or function.

Aesthetics & Design

fencing for modern australian architecture

As mentioned above, if your fencing is mainly for aesthetics – a decorative way to mark the boundary around your property, then you want to make sure you get the look right and blend the fence into the design of your home. Below are some common home styles around Perth and what we think are good matching fencing styles:

Modern Australian Architecture

Most of the newer homes being built around Perth suburbs have a modern, minimalist external design, often with clean colour blocks and geometric shapes.

These homes look best when paired with equally contemporary fencing. Powdercoated coloured slat or panel fencing looks fab surrounding modern homes, as do some of the simpler tubular aluminium styles, such as ‘Modern’ or ‘Caulfield’ fencing or infills.

Pease contact Country Wide Walling for a free quotation on all your walling requirements.

  4009 Hits